A simple life

A simple life

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So we buy this big multi level house with all this land and everything is fairly fine until...

we start to lose power periodically in half our house.

This has been going on for about 2 weeks-usually only for 20 minutes max.

I normally wouldn't complain about any of this I lived without power off and on for half of my adulthood.

In most cases I enjoy the break of the "noise."  The distraction of what needs to get done around the house is perhaps my biggest addiction.

I think I am having such a difficult time with this particular outages is that  being it's partial my stove doesn't work, the refrigerator isn't working and I have a load of laundry "stuck" in the washer that of course won't unlock it's door because the power is out.

We have a generator, we have the cords to use it-we also have gas to get it going but-I'm afraid to hook it up.

Afraid of getting electrocuted, afraid of electrocuting someone else.
Maybe I'm afraid of being so danged independent that I won't need Mike to come and save us.

He really likes feeling like he saves us.

So for now here I am wondering if I am going to get up the gumption to hook the generator up and secretly praying that God will wave a finger at the electrical box and make that turn back on.

Guess I'll never know if I can do it until I try.

Fingers crossed-

Holy Cow! The power just turned back on.


Saturday, April 2, 2011


Finally, that's all that I am feeling at this moment.

Finally, I got my very large garden plans done.

Finally, I got our two little doelings (young girl goats)

Finally, I have all the seeds I will need for this year.

Finally, I made it out to the barns with the kids and the camera.

Finally, we have bunnies for sale and even sold 4 already!

Finally, I feel like I am right where I should be-doing exactly what I should be doing.

Finally. I am so very overflowing with happiness.