A simple life

A simple life

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How it all began.

Someday's when I'm not feeling my usual optimistic self I wonder how it all began.

How I went from being a young woman who traveled the U.S in the back of a Semi to being a mother of 4 beautiful children and so lucky to have found a man that was willing to give me a dream.

On days when it's 10 below with the windchill and the ducks need fresh (not frozen) water, nights when it hasn't stopped raining for a week and I have to go up to the barn to tuck the pigs in -yup they actually get tucked in with a fresh blanket of straw.

Or on Mother's Day when I'm given Hereford piglets as a gift.

That's when I want to remember how it all started.

So here it is...

I was living up in Mid Michigan in a 40 acre farmhouse that my parents owned.
I was bored and looking at some online photo's when I came acrossed some posted that had no comments.
They were not bad, very average but I couldn't figure out why no one remarked on them-so I did.

That comment eventually turned into an IM which than led to a phone conversation (weeks later)
We got along so well and I was so comfortable that we set up a meeting and here we are, 3 1/2 years later.

After I moved in with him I begged for a dog...it took a year before he would even concider an animal and that was a cat. It ran away a week later. *wipes eye*

 That following spring a stray cat had a litter of kittens under our trailor (that's right we lived in an upscale trailor park but still had terrible issues with stray cat's)

We bidded our time, coaxed the kittens on the porch with food and BAM! caught the kittens under a box, took them to get fixed and vetted and than we had 3 fat house cat's.

That summer we finally found a house with enough property to get a dog and start a bigger garden.

That's how it all started, I liked his pictures and I ended up with a farm.